Tuesday, July 19, 2016

4D Ultrasound From Stork Vision!

     When I found out my second child would be another boy, I'll admit, I was a little bummed. Although I knew I'd love my little baby no matter what, I thought I was ready to buy some bows. But as my tiny little human grew, so did the idea of having two little guys in my life. I started to get excited for my best buds having lightsaber fights.
     My son Leo, is all boy. But in the two years that I've had him, he's made me realize just how sweet little boys can be. He's the best kisser, we call some of his smooches "cute aggression kisses" and the way he says mama just melts my heart. And the thing that brings me more joy than anything on this earth is the thought of me introducing Leo to his little brother, Levi, this September. 
     Leo has always had a soft spot for babies. Just the other day, I caught him wrapping up a toy plastic hot dog in a blanket and kissing it tenderly. So when we first decided to have another baby, I was a little thrown off when it took us a little bit of time to conceive. I'm well aware my wait was nothing compared to a lot of people who struggle with infertility, but I'll admit, it started to get to me. Every time Leo would oogle over a little baby, my heart would ache to give him one. So when I finally got that positive, we were elated! The day I finally decided on a name for our 2nd was when Leo came up to me and pointed to my tummy and said "Levi". His daddy and I had talked about the name, but when I heard it come out of my sweet little boy's mouth, I was sold. 
     I won't pretend that Leo knows exactly what's going on when it comes to Mommy growing a baby. We ask him where Levi is and he used to point to his tummy, but now he lifts his own shirt up and wiggles his own little belly. It's hilarious. But I can't decide if he actually knows what's up. I've shown him videos, read books, etc. but I wasn't sure until a few days ago, and now I think he really gets it. 
     We decided to go to Stork Vision and get a 4D ultrasound. Did you know that Stork Vision exists? I didn't! I had only heard of Fetal Fotos. This place is a hidden gem in West Jordan, UT. (Although, if you're reading this from out of state, I believe they have franchises around the country) I have driven by it so many times and never seen it. I was so excited because of course I had seen ultrasounds of my baby, but his daddy hadn't because he was always working and couldn't get off due to a new job, and Leo wasn't allowed because he's a child. My doctors office has rules about not bringing children with you to your ultrasound appointments. And of course I had only seen the regular 2D images. 
    When we walked in the door of Stork Vision, I immediately knew I was in for a treat. DARLING decor and so comfortable compared to a doctor's office. She even had a soft blanket for my legs so I was super comfy. And Leo's face was priceless! We were lucky enough to get it on tape and I love seeing his little face light up when he see's his baby on the big screen in front of him. 
     Since we went, Leo touches my belly, kisses it, and he asks Levi if he wants Cheetos. It's just so fun because I really think he finally knows what's going on. I would HIGHLY recommend getting this done, especially in your third trimester, just because you can't get this experience anywhere else. Especially if you have other kids and want to share it. And I know that it's going to be that much more special when I get to show Leo his baby brother in September! I can't wait!

Watch Leo see Levi in the video below!  

Stork Vision 4D Ultrasound

I think I might be cloning them, what do you think? 


  1. Things sure have come a long way since I had my baby many years ago. To see your new baby in 3D is so incredible. I also was so sure I was going to have a little girl, but so glad I had Mike. One thing I observed about little boys is that they wear their hearts on their sleeves. There is no pretense or coyness, they don't hide who they are. Leo is so expressive and endearing, as I'm sure his cute little brother will be.

    1. He really is SO expressive! Haha! He always has been! I can't wait to see his face when he meets his brother, and the thing that's going to be funny is that he probably won't care! Hahaha! We'll know in about 9 weeks! . . Miss you guys!
